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Kiwi-American, author, international adventurer, juicer, real estate broker, embrace your life-er

hello there.

I’m phillipa,
YOUR NEW favorite storyteller

Writing has always been my way of making sense of life’s most complicated moments.
His Name is Eric is a deeply personal exploration of love, loss, resilience, and the search for healing.

My writing is a reflection of life’s messy but beautiful moments. Through His Name is Eric, I’m sharing our journey, one that will inspire you to rethink how we approach health, healing, and the power of self-advocacy. This is more than a memoir — it’s a way to connect, heal, and take control of your own story.

Connect, Learn, and Be Inspired

connect, learn, and
be inspired

Be a part of Phillipa's journey beyond the pages of her book.

Whether it’s a an upcoming live or recorded podcast,  a local or national tv or radio interview, you’ll have the chance to hear her speak about health, healing, and the love story behind His Name is Eric. Don’t miss out—sign up for event updates, Phillipa's latest musings and be the first to know about upcoming opportunities, or click the links for recorded events.

Whether it’s a an upcoming live or recorded podcast,  a local or national tv or radio interview, you’ll have the chance to hear her speak about health, healing, and the love story behind 
His Name is Eric. Don’t miss out—sign up for event updates and be the first to know about upcoming opportunities, or click the links for recorded events.

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Phillipa and Eric's story of love, resilience, and the power of alternative healing methods will inspire you to take control of your health and well-being. Order His Name is Eric today to learn how you can navigate the toughest of journeys with courage and hope. Be among the first to receive this heartfelt memoir and discover how love can change everything. 

available now

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