My Journey to Organic Eating: What Sparked the Change 30 Years Ago?


It wasn’t a big, earth-shattering moment, but a simple conversation that changed my perspective forever. A visit to a family friend from New Zealand, living in London, set me on a path I never expected—one that led me to embrace organic eating and a healthy, toxin-free lifestyle for life.

This dear friend of my mother’s, and a co-founder of the Triangle Centre—a non-profit offering meditation and spiritual wellness resources in Wellington—had been diagnosed with cancer. In an effort to strengthen her immune system and fight the disease naturally, she had switched every single item in her kitchen to organic food. “Down to the last stick of butter,” she had said.

Sadly, it was too late for her and she never knew how deeply that conversation would impact me. That single moment planted the seed for a lifelong commitment to organic food and holistic health—a decision that would later shape my views on alternative health treatments and how we nourish our bodies.

A Health Awakening in Michigan

Shortly after that visit, I moved to Michigan with my corporation. I know—Auckland, London, Detroit—it doesn’t have that magical ring, but my time there was pivotal.

The moment I arrived in Ann Arbor, it was a brutal -20°C/-4°F, and within days, I was struck with a horrible stomach illness from my recent travels. Weak, barely able to get out of bed, I turned to the Yellow Pages in desperation and searched for organic stores. That’s when I discovered—Whole Foods Market.

Dragging myself there, I mustered the strength to throw back a shot of wheatgrass juice, something I had never tried before. That tiny green shot was the beginning of my love affair with organic food in the U.S.. It became my medicine, my fuel, and my foundation for a healthy diet that has lasted over three decades—and still going strong.

Why I Still Choose Organic – 30 Years Later

Thirty years have passed since that moment, and my commitment to organic eating remains as strong as ever. If you open my fridge or pantry today, you’ll find that nearly everything is organic, with few exceptions. Why? Because if it isn’t organic, it has likely been exposed to:

  • Pesticides and herbicides known to disrupt hormones and suppress the immune system
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that alter the natural composition of our food
  • Hormones and antibiotics commonly found in non-organic meat and dairy
  • Chemical fertilizers that can contribute to long-term health issues

Thankfully, organic food isn’t as hard to find as it was 30 years ago. Local farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and grocery chains have recognized the demand for healthier food choices. In fact, nearly 6% of all food sold in U.S. supermarkets is now organic, and that number continues to rise as people become more aware of the connection between food and health.

Why Does Organic Matter?

Some argue that organic food is too expensive, but I see it as an investment in long-term health. I choose to support farmers who practice organic and regenerative farming, knowing that their methods help preserve the soil, reduce pollution, and provide food that is free from harmful chemicals.

It’s no secret that cancer rates, neurological disorders, and autoimmune diseases are on the rise. And while there are many contributing factors, it’s impossible to ignore the role that food plays in our health. The body is constantly regenerating itself with the nutrients we provide—so why would we want to fuel it with toxins?

One of my dear friends recently made an observation that struck me: Nearly everyone she knew who had survived a chronic health issue had done so primarily because they made significant diet and lifestyle changes, not just because of pharmaceutical treatments, chemotherapy, or radiation.

A Shift Toward Healing

If you’re looking for a way to boost your health, energy, and overall well-being, maybe this is it. Maybe switching to organic food is the step you’ve been searching for.

My journey toward alternative health treatments and holistic wellness has been shaped by personal experiences and powerful lessons—many of which I share in my book, His Name is Eric.

Eric’s story is one of love, resilience, and seeking every possible option, especially when it comes to cancer treatment and healing alternatives. If his journey teaches us anything, it’s that we must ask questions, seek knowledge, and never settle.

For more insights on alternative health, organic eating, and healing treatments, visit my blog at I’d love to hear from you—if there’s a topic you’d like me to cover or a question you’d like me to answer, feel free to email me through my site.

Your health is worth the investment. Start where you are, make small changes, and see how powerful food can truly be.

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